President Bush, Barry Goldwater Jr. and Senator John McCain have dinner at

a popular western style restaurant in North Scottsdale, Arizona.


Barry M. Goldwater III - George Bush & Barry M. Goldwater Jr.




Picture of President Bush's arrival in Phoenix taken from the Barry M. Goldwater Terminal at Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport.

Goldwater friend Mayor Gordon & family with Air Force One.




Barry Goldwater Jr. attends John McCain's campaign speech given from the steps of the historic

courthouse where Barry Goldwater announced his candidacy for the 1964 Presidential race.

McCain payed tribute to Barry's father during his speech.



John McCain, Cindy McCain and Jon Kyl greeting constituents after the speech.




Former Congressman Barry Goldwater Jr. greets an attendee

carrying an original Goldwater for President campaign sign.



Mr. Goldwater in an interview with Fox News regarding

Ron Paul and the 2008 Presidential Primary.



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